Integration with Django Rest Framework

You can re-use your Django Rest Framework serializer with graphene django.


You can create a Mutation based on a serializer by using the SerializerMutation base class:

from graphene_django.rest_framework.mutation import SerializerMutation

class MyAwesomeMutation(SerializerMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = MySerializer

Create/Update Operations

By default ModelSerializers accept create and update operations. To customize this use the model_operations attribute. The update operation looks up models by the primary key by default. You can customize the look up with the lookup attribute.

from graphene_django.rest_framework.mutation import SerializerMutation

class AwesomeModelMutation(SerializerMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = MyModelSerializer
        model_operations = ['create', 'update']
        lookup_field = 'id'

Overriding Update Queries

Use the method get_serializer_kwargs to override how updates are applied.

from graphene_django.rest_framework.mutation import SerializerMutation

class AwesomeModelMutation(SerializerMutation):
    class Meta:
        serializer_class = MyModelSerializer

    def get_serializer_kwargs(cls, root, info, **input):
        if 'id' in input:
            instance = Post.objects.filter(id=input['id'], owner=info.context.user).first()
            if instance:
                return {'instance': instance, 'data': input, 'partial': True}

                raise http.Http404

        return {'data': input, 'partial': True}